MissionLog Application Development

The Need

Businesses that track time hourly need their employees to record their time as accurately as possible, enabling more accurate reporting and billing. Most solutions in the market are overly complicated, filled with gimmicks, and try to do more than many teams need. It ultimately creates a point of frustration for employees and discourages them from logging time as prescribed–which leads to a different set of challenges for the employer. MissionLog was thoughtfully designed to make tracking time easy and fast with virtually no learning curve, and at a daily cadence that is both realistic to an employee, and assures accuracy for the employer. Simplistic at a glance, it packs powerful functionality to be able to accomplish this balance.

The Solution

MissionLog is web/native app that uses a multi-pronged approach to logging time, thus increasing the chances of employees to do so. A quick, clean interface with a stripped down approach to logging time and partner integrations with various different technologies allows employees to log time in their preferred method such as web, voice, native, 3rd party software.


Web Application Development
Native App Development
Advanced Hosting
Digital Payments
Voice Control
Advanced API Integration (Financial)
Security & Authentication
UI/UX Design

Technology Partnerships

App Store
Amazon Alexa

MissionLog Screenshot demonstrating time entryMissionlog Screenshot demonstrating calendar viewMissionLog Screenshot Demonstrating Graphs